Publishing practical research and in-depth analyses on innovation, economy, and society in Israel
As the people who took part in shaping the Israeli innovation model, we now collaborate with the Israeli government and the high-tech sector to sustain it’s leadership as a global innovation hub.
At the same time, we partner with global organizations and policymakers who want to learn from the Israeli innovation model.
We believe that if a small country like Israel, far from any substantial market, could become a start-up and innovation powerhouse, so can other countries.
However, there’s no “one size fits all” in innovation policy.
That’s where we come in – we help policy makers and organizations devise national or regional innovation ecosystems, considering factors like demographics and geopolitics, constraints and trade-offs.
Publishing practical research and in-depth analyses on innovation, economy, and society in Israel
Vered Farkash
Market Research
Access to databases and social network data
Economic Evaluations
Position Papers
Surveys and Analysis
Generating research-based and data-driven policy recommendations in order to advance and promote effective growth-enhancing policies and legislation
Dan Miller, DHM Studio
Developing innovation-promoting regulation
Policy and legislation recommendations
Analysis of existing policy
Effective evaluations of government programs
Recommendations for establishment of government innovation authorities
Developing national strategies for emerging technologies
Hosting meetings and creating partnerships to lead public discourse that encourages holistic thinking and provides real-time, relevant solutions
Dan Miller, DHM Studio
Hosting policy-oriented roundtables
Holding conferences and events
Heading task forces and committees
Leading innovation communities
Accompanying government ministries, international organizations, and governments in developing and implementing growth-promoting innovation policies
Review of the Israeli market and opportunities for cooperation
Review of the Israeli innovation model and what can be learned from it by other countries
Ecosystem presentations, from a government policy perspective
Ecosystem development workshops for governments and global organizations