What does AI have to do with aging?

The global population is aging, impacting economies worldwide as life expectancy rises and the dependency ratio increases. Alongside these economic shifts, healthcare and welfare systems face mounting pressures. In Israel, as in other parts of the world, healthcare and welfare systems for the elderly are already strained, and this pressure is expected to grow. Could AI be the game changer we need?


As part of the #AIForward Initiative, supported by Google.org, we are making a concerted effort to leverage artificial intelligence in addressing societal challenges, we see tremendous potential for AI to transform elderly care. AI can alleviate overstressed systems, enhance the quality of care, and deliver personalized solutions that meet the unique needs of aging populations. By harnessing AI, we can create a sustainable model for elderly care, addressing both current limitations and future demands.


At the RISE Institute office, we brought together government and policy leaders, aging and geriatrics organizations, and experts in innovation and gerontology. Together, we shared preliminary insights from AIForward research on integrating AI into elderly care and gathered leading minds to explore this critical topic.


The roundtable emphasized that AI and GenAI in particular is not just another technological tool; it is an enabler of profound change for the future of aging. Through strategic collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and AI innovation, we can be on the path to shaping lasting solutions for the elderly.

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